Me so horny. I came across this website called
Journey Woman, and it basically provides travel tips to women traveling in foreign countries. And for India, it is not the most flattering picture - catcalls, guys trying to make advances and touch, grab, etc.
And so this got me thinking about my recent trip to India. As I walked with my fiance, I noticed how intensely guys will stare at an attractive girl even if she is with a guy. Here are my observations on this matter which I welcome feedback on:
It is indisputable that the vast majority of Indian guys (young and uncles as well) are extremely repressed. Most of the young ones have never been within 2 feet of a pair of real breasts (mom doesn't count) and the uncles are probably bumbling fools in the bedroom so I do understand the allure of seeing any female. It's the nature of the stares which is troubling to me.
There are two distinct types of starers.
The Professional Stare (i.e., the IT, BPO-walas)
- These are stares of resignation and defeat. A sad looking "I wish I could have a girlfriend" type of stare. Harmless, pathetic and somewhat funny.
The Worker Stare (i.e. the chai, unemployed-walas) - Amongst the worker/poorer classes, it is more troubling because it is a more lascivious, threatening type of look. There was a study done some time ago in the USA where men were asked if they could get away with raping a girl and nobody would ever know, would they do it? I think something like 40-50% said yes. I'd venture to say that it would be much much higher in parts of India.
I also noticed that the staring and catcalling was much worse in Delhi vs Mumbai. I talked to a friend of mine at Google and he mentioned that 80% of the searches originating in India are for pornography. WOW!
Anyone have any thoughts on the above? What will make this improve? Are the vast majority of Indian men going to be in this perennial state of repression for the foreseeable future? Mumbai better than Delhi? How about Bangalore men? Chennai? Would a more sexually liberated society be good or bad for India?