Hrithik Roshan's son - does he have 6 fingers too?

Stop with all the Bollywood'esque drama Hrithik. So Mr Roshan had a son with his wife Susanne. This kid is going to get a lot more girls by the time he is 16 than I've gotten in my entire life so good for him.
But his papa Hrithik has got to lay off the corny, sentimental quotes a bit. In one article, he says the following overdramatic lines. These are good for Bollywood - not for real life.
Talking about being away from his wife shooting Dhoom 2 in Rio -- “And though we shot a really cool song in that exotic location in Rio, my heart was completely at home. I can't describe how it felt to be there in Rio knowing that the baby can come any moment. It was like being all packed and ready for a holiday to paradise. But this was one journey (fatherhood) from which I was not going to come back. So I was torn between these two extreme emotions of ecstacy and utter apprehension.”
I'm sure he wasn't having that bad of a time in Rio. Have you seen the women there??
And he follows this up with more melodrama:
“The journey towards fatherhood is the biggest bliss a man can experience,” he adds. “I started feeling the change within me nine months ago. And now I feel that the journey has finally culminated. I've never felt happier. This is the most perfect experience of my life.”
And it doesn't stop there. It gets better.
“Now that he has come, I feel a strange sense of peace within myself. It's as if there's suddenly more of Susanne to love. The baby is an extension of her, and I just feel as though my world has become more spacious, happier.”
Wow Hrithik! You really know how to exaggerate. In any case, congrats to you and the other hundreds of thousands who had babies in India today.
At 1:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
woah, you need to chill! You sound jealous and depressed. Let Hrithik express his happiness and opinions as we wishes to! He doesn't need anyone's permission esp yours!
Plus your aspects of life is too narrow, why are you so focused only on females? You need a reality check and maybe a therapist in case you're depressed! Please learn to respect people and their opinions!
At 4:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
i agree...control ur emotions....all i feel after reading this article is that u r a jealous, depressed, UGLY!, (emphasis on ugly) maniac....ur perspective only reflects how badly u wish u were as hot as hrithik cuz u dont hav the loox for the females ur so fond of!....b4 talking bout others being corny and all....LEARN TO RESPECT WOMEN!...then learn to respect people and their opinions....hrithik is only trying to express his happiness...u talk as though he wanted people to put him in the limelight...he's a star and utterly loved so he gets attention...accept it!...this is a turning point in his life...let him express his happiness...i 4 one would like to congratulate him!!....rather than criticize his remarks in this occasion....
At 10:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Have you no life? Hrithik (or anyone else for that matter) don't need any flak from you! I am an actor/model in training and the LAST thing that well known actors like Hrithik need is this stupid bullshit from jealous people like you, who can't be anything in life! I mean he needs to choose his words carefully and control his emotions coz of morons like you?? Why don't YOU choose your opinions and sentences carefully before you write about other people?
This sentence proves in your article of how pathetic you are: I'm sure he wasn't having that bad of a time in Rio. Have you seen the women there??
You talk as if YOU have seen all the women there? Well HAVE YOU?? or you think you saw them all just coz they show girls in bikinis over there so you think all girls are like that??
And excuse me but Hrithik was down there for a film shoot, NOT for women!! He is a professional AND he is married and has a kid, im SURE his philosophy in life is NOT to cheat on his wife after all this...maybe yours is so that is why you're writing all this?? GET A LIFE and really...learn to respect girls!! And if you have time (which im sure you do..a LOT of time actually!)become sumthing in life instead of hiding behind a computer and bitching at people that are successful and are enjoying their life! coz im sure you won't find anyone to love you for life for the kind of jerk you are! I just hate people like you who talk nonsense w/out knowing facts and jump to conclusions
At 2:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
i agree with all those who have posted their comments seem to be totally devoid of any good looks at all to be feeling insecure against a new born boy!!!! how do females tolerate people like you?mister,learn to respect women.haven't you been taught any culture at home?from your post,you seem to suggest that women are mere objects of entertainment!aren't you ashamed of yourself?as for the feelings expressed by hrithik....if you are a father you would have understood it.but you just seem to be some freak screaming out your jealousies!how would you understand what it means to be a parent???and why can't you just accept the fact that a man can love his wife more than any woman on earth?i'll tell you what....if you go on with this attitude of yours,man your life's going to the dumps!
At 12:58 AM,
Mr. N said…
First, I love posts from idiots. Your poor grasp of English and general inability to put together a coherent argument provided me a good laugh. Thank you!
Second, please never visit my blog again. I hate when people with below average intelligence read Desi Diarrhea.
Back to the topic at hand--
Hrithik is a lucky man. Lucky to have four moronic fans who have nothing better to do than defend him on the internet. I'm sure he'd say thanks if he saw you on the street. Or actually, he'd walk right by you cuz he doesn't know who the hell you bunch of nobodys are. Although I'm sure he would have some nice melodramatic quotes about how each fan is special in their own unique way.
Although I don't know any of you personally, a mental picture/some thoughts did emerge in my mind when I read your posts so I thought I'd share.
Anonymous commenters 1 and 2 -- I gather you are both females. Probably with considerable facial hair and some extra pounds in the abdominal area. I imagine your room is plastered with pictures of various Bollywood stars. Your computer screensaver is of Anil Kapoor. Besides your dad or brother, no man is likely to willingly touch you.
Anonymous commenter 3 -- An actor/model in training, eh? Very nice. Good luck with your pursuits in gay pornography. While utterly repulsive, I see you bent over on the receiving end screaming Hrithik's name accidentally during a climactic movie scene. And also, thank you for letting me know Hrithik wouldn't cheat on his wife. Just because he may have refused your unwanted homo advances, you shouldn't draw that conclusion. You know what they say about people who assume.
Anonymous commenter 4 -- I like the way you call me mister. And for your information, I am not ugly and actually am a father. Your mom can confirm on both counts.
Thanks again for the entertainment. If you want nice fluffy comments about your Bollywood idols or anything for that matter, Desi Diarrhea probably isn't for you.
And to the question you maybe asking yourself now, the answer is "Yes, I love being an asshole!"
Mr Natwarlal
At 10:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey if ur a father and all...and you understand hrithik's happiness y don't u stop sitting behing the comp. and typin while you can go and enjoy time w/ ur family like hrithik is doing. You can see that family is first to him in his life, seems like it ain't for u...
At 2:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
u know wat...that jus shows u literally hav no life and hav nothing better to do than sit on the computer and bitch around with the lives of a father u should u know how it feels to become one...jus let him be happy and try to be happy for him!...
At 5:28 PM,
Mr. N said…
Alright people...Please no more posts defending Hrithik. Or posts about how I should get a life. I do appreciate how your comments end up getting my blog more visitors, but since your various commentaries offer little new in the way of intelligence, let's just conclude this string of comments and recount what we have learned through this "dialogue":
1. Hrithik is a bit over-dramatic
2. Mr. Natwarlal (that is me) is an asshole
3. People who say I have too much time actually will spend the time to post anonymous comments that really only I read
4. I'd prefer that those with the IQs of monkeys not read Desi Diarrhea
Mr N
At 7:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Natwarlaal,
sounds fobbish itself.
herez what i think of u
1. dont have a life
2. dont have a wife
3. if u have a wife, ur divorced
4. ur sick and perverted
5. too much time on ur hands
6. ugly cuz ur jealousy is veryyyy noticable
7. neither ur mom, sister, wife, kids or freinds wanna touch u cuz u got a psychological prob !
lol, peace out
dont mess with brown ppl, even tho ur brown, cuz we'll f&*%u over.
At 9:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
i agree with brown people will f&*%u over!!
At 12:58 AM,
Mr. N said…
Although I want to stop replying to idiots who write comments on this blog, you all make it so easy I can't resist. Although these posts do concern me because I used to think Indians were smart, and you all are proving me wrong.
Devanshi Pandya - Thanks for leaving your name. At least someone finally has the courage to do that. With the wonderful internet, we'll be able to use your name to find out where you live and terrorize you and your family. Muchas gracias.
As for your other unintelligent points esp #7
"7. neither ur mom, sister, wife, kids or freinds wanna touch u cuz u got a psychological prob! lol"
Not sure about how your family works but I'm glad my mom, sister, kids or friends don't touch me. The wife touching me is ok, however. I hate to break it to you, but your brothers and dad touching you is not how normal families behave. I suggest you get some counseling.
As for your post and the anonymous moron who posted after you who wrote that "us brown people will f&*%u over!!". I love fake Indian gangsters.
Much love to all my fans,
Mr N.
At 1:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
LOL! All these posts are great. Although I gotta agree that Mr N was a bit harsh on Hrithik, the folks defending the Bollywood star definitely need to buy themselves lives
The subsequent smackdowns by Mr. N are quite amusing, however.
Thanks for the laughs.
And good blog btw. Some other interesting articles/commentary besides this one.
At 7:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well mr. natwarlal, are you really ugly?
well never mind.. shit happens!
Oh forget to tell you.. I really had fun reading all the nonsense you and others blurted out...
and yes.. oh forget it!
At 8:02 AM,
Mr. N said…
You've just won the award for the most nonsensical comment on this post. Congratulations!
Mr. N.
At 8:40 PM,
Mr. N said…
constipated cow?? nice one...that is anti-hindu i think...
i wish illiterate people wouldn't comment on my blog...please stop...
btw, i'm not a FOB...the closest i've been to a FOB is your mom...ha ha...i love mama jokes...
At 11:42 AM,
Mr. N said…
alright...this mama thing could get ugly especially since i seem to be dealing with someone with minimum intelligence
so i'll take the high road and stop it right here...
dear anonymous - thanks for the amazingly wise and original's good to know that there will always be some dumbass indians i can easily make fun of
At 7:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
i ain't a dumbass and hu ever says somthin against u u call them a person with "minimum intelligence" u don even have good comebaks... desi diarrhea woof oh please u don even sound desi
At 7:40 PM,
Mr. N said…
i'd recommend spell checking your entries...
At 11:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
i reccomend checkin ur brain
At 11:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 1:05 PM,
Mr. N said…
all...i won't be responding to any more comments on this's gotten a bit ridiculous and the commentary leaves much to be desired...feel free to send me hatemail or fanmail on any of my other thought provoking posts...
At 10:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
y wud u have fans? HOW wud u have fans?
At 9:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
awww no cumbak??
At 9:50 AM,
Mr. N said…
dear illiterate...please read prior comment...
all...i won't be responding to any more comments on this's gotten a bit ridiculous and the commentary leaves much to be desired...feel free to send me hatemail or fanmail on any of my other thought provoking posts...
At 2:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well Mr. Natwar lali agree on the fact that Hrithik is a lil hyper person but no way he is an exagerater. He is just too innocent. And i believe that people like u instead of being sarcastic should be more sujjestive because onu thing i personslly know about duggu is that he really listens to his fans and tries to improve him self.
At 2:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nattu please come back................
At 11:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
everyone's against u what now?
At 11:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
everyone's against u what now?
At 11:43 AM,
Mr. N said…
since you seem bored enough to keep coming back to my blog to see if i've commented on your stupidity, i thought i'd respond to put a smile on your little retarded face
as it seems you can't read, i was closing comments on this posting as they were getting progressively more useless (much like you my friend)
the fact that a large # of people wrote things disagreeing with me was fine as having this group including you "against me" is actually a good thing...i'd compare you and your fellow H. Roshan lovers to acne...annoying and serving no purpose but they all go away with time
that's can keep posting here if it provides some amusement in your otherwise sorry n is officially signing off this hritik post...
but look for my upcoming post called "I hate Allah"...that one should be interesting...
At 11:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
yes u are right about hrithik.... what kind of marriage does he have with suzanne full of crap.. he thinks he can get any woman he likes? he is sick sad man even suz knows it like she said he is my man she is sad too.. shame on both of them.
At 11:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
anyway i use to talk to hrithk he telling me im not married i knew he was lying all alone why lied to me and saying that not my baby... he needs to sort himself out i dont want to ruin his marriage or suz she has alot for him bless her wish her all the luck bless all the family
At 9:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Depends on size of the 6th finger it can be usefull ;)
At 9:16 PM,
Angel_Eyez !! said…
I love your blog...i did understand your argument in your post...your comments are hilarious by the way...
At 12:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
lol u guys are funny....
At 10:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
eff u natwarball :P im bAcK
At 2:19 PM,
Mr. N said…
such interesting thoughts posed by snoopdogg...i'm sure another 90 lb indian gangster wannabe...but nonetheless thank you for your thought provoking comments...
let me respond
1. great your mama joke...i'm sure you google'd 'your mama jokes' and found this gem on the internet...i applaud your use of technology and utter lack of creativity
2. regarding how many nuts i have, i'm surprised you had to ask since your mom can confirm that i have 2...just yesterday, she had the pleasure of having both them in her dirty little mouth...
bye snoop
At 9:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just because you might not love your children doesn't mean that other people can't love theirs :)
At 9:13 PM,
Unknown said…
lolz...even though i totally disagree, ur comments definetly made me laugh!
i am guessing u don't have any kids or have too many of them, that's why u don't have any love left..and u r acting like crancky old man! Chill is not that bad!
At 4:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
This blog is kool for people who are bored on internet and got nothing to do can come and waste their time here (LoL)
Anyways 1 thing i didnt agree with is when Mr.N said he will write a blog called "I Hate Allah"
I am a muslim and i dont take the piss out of other people religions so why should other do it.
I have many friends here in UK from every different religions like Hindu, Catholic, Christian, Sikh and much more. I celebrate every festival with them like Chrismas, Holi, Deewali ETC
I do that becuase of the respect i have for their culture, so i didnt appreciate it at all that one of the brothers from that religions comes and diss our culture.
Thankyou if you understand what i am trying to say here.
No complaints from all you peole.
But its good if none of us are arguing here and just leave because end of day Mr. N just expressed his feelings nothing much. If you agree with it write a comment if you disagree then just leave and close the page.
I think there is no need to bring families into it.
Sanam xxxxx
At 1:18 PM,
workhard said…
LOL, that was too poetic..
At 10:02 AM,
Mr. N said…
Dear Marcus Salvez,
Thanks for your insightful comment. You are neither fat or stupid. From your comment, it seems you have a great grasp of English and make very eloquent and insightful arguments.
In terms of finding your address on the internet, there is no need. I visit your mom often, and she tells me you still live in the basement. I'll drop by next time with a poster of Hrithik Roshan that you can lick in the evening when you are bored.
Rock on Marcus. Thanks for reading. You are a true asset to the Desi Diarrhea community.
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