My not so excellent adventure part II: Nightmare in Paris

Boycott Air France. We arrived in Paris late and missed our connection to NYC. Of course, the French staff are rude beyond belief as only the French can be. I do acknowledge that Indian passengers can be a bit unruly. We, especially, the non- or less-English speaking of our people tend not to be very polite. We always seem to stand up before the flight has come to a complete stop to get our stuff because I guess there is some race and prize to get off the plane first which I have never heard about. BUT that said, if you are willing to take our money, wipe the smug French look off your face, smile and provide the same service you'd provide to your smelly countrymen.
Needless to say, I waited in Paris for 8 hrs before taking off for NYC. During this flight, I had diarrhea (how appropriate for this blog). I'm sure my every 1/2 hour runs to the loo provided amusement to other travelers. In the flight from Paris to NYC, I visited the bathroom 11 times. I think that is some sort of Guiness Book Record so we are reaching out to them to see if I might be included.
Total travel time 29 hours door to door. Over one day of my life lost vomiting, battling exhaustion, shitting and smelling and dealing with the French. Memorable.
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