Aishwarya Rai is UGLY!!!!

Ok we don't mean that. We thought that headline would get people reading. But we must say the coverage of Aishwarya Rai in India is pretty disgusting and overly flattering. If you Google News her, every headline is "Why Aishwarya Rai rocks" or "Aishwarya is the best" or "Aishwarya cures young boy of cancer". It's a bit much. She is a hot chick - no doubt, but writing an article to praise her really isn't journalism.
We also must question Ash's business sense. She picked Bride & Prejudice over doing the romantic comedy Hitch with Will Smith (Can anyone say bad career move?) and now she maybe missing out on another opportunity to work with Smith because of a scheduling conflict with an Indian movie. Bollywood movies will come and go but Will Smith (International Star) ain't going to keep coming back if Ms. Aishwarya keeps dissing him.
Lastly, Ash if you are reading this, we didn't mean what we wrote in the headline. And yes, we are still on for lunch on Saturday.
At 8:05 PM,
Chipsen Dipp said…
I must disagree with you on your overestimation's of Will Smith's importance. He is a has been rapper and TV star who has seen better days. She may be the most famous woman on the planet.
At 10:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
i have to say the title of the post intrigued me because i personally DON'T think she is great looking at all. she can be pretty in some pictures, her hair is nice, her traditional indian garb is nice and she dances well. apart from that, her looks are 'ehh' nothing special, her new voice (she used to posess a richer warmer voice), and her terrible newfound english accent is more than i can bear. her interviews are also something to be laughed at. she hits one or two questions with a sensible answer and then leaves the audience and host scratching their heads when she answers a question different from the one actually posed to her. OR she will answer the question but without any sense of fatc. i.e. "when people think of india they think of palaces, etc" (from the Dave Letterman Show) what india was she talking about? did she mean the india in the movies that she has been in? GOD, WOMAN, GET A CLUE!! after each display of idiocy she wrinkles her nose and flashes her terrible smile at the audience thinking she's done such a great job at batting her false eyelashes at Letterman, Bob Simon or whoever. she's really QUITE disgusting, and extremely hyped up by the indian press. if it weren't for THEM (TOI, ahem, ahem, cough, wheeze) the rest of the world wouldn't have noticed really.
At 9:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
How handsome r u ?????????
No one will ever write an article about ur beauty ;)
At 5:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have seen Aishwarya Rai in person. She was not wearing very much makeup at the time, some foundation, powder, lipstick and mascara, all applied very naturally. She looked very pretty I must admit, she is naturally good looking. However, to me, she is not the most beautiful woman in the world. She's also not as fair skinned as I thought, she is fair skinned yes, but she has a nice brown tone to her complexion as I, and many other Asian women do. Her eyes are quite peculiar without eyeliner, pretty but peculiar. She needs the heavy make up to make them stand out. On screen she looks amazingly gorgeous but that is thanks to alot of makeup, hair stylists, good lighting and ALOT of airbrushing, both in film and magazine shoots. When I met her she was not as striking as she is on screen but I asked for an autograph and she was friendly and pleasant so I like her alot for that. Shes also an amazing dancer!
At 4:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ash is pretty but cant say she is beautiful...keep it up!
At 8:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
aishwarya is ok, maybe pretty, but not naturally beautiful...shes average without her awesome expensive makeup and hairdye. There are wayyy better looking women on the planet. i see 'em all the time on television.
At 1:12 PM,
workhard said…
The headline did catch my eye. To some extent i agree with you on how journalists find means and ways of publishing their articles. This again is a marketing gimmick, as Ash as the'brand ambassador'
Read poems
At 1:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ashwariya is pretty!!? LOL! your level of judging beauty is so low, and Indians are NOT pretty to be honest, i do agree that some of the girls are really attractive probably because of the thick make up, but pretty is not the word to be used for Indian actresses.
At 6:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
looks like somebody is a bit bitter, lolz at you dumbass (comment before mine), anyways Aishwariya Rai is a stunning woman fullstop, get over it, all races have beautiful women, get over it, get over it and get over it! loolz at u again dumbass, probably jealous looool, for the record I am 100% not indian haa!.
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