Kem cho sucka? As the story goes, "The operators of a small roadside café in the mountains of Norway suddenly found themselves occupied by two busloads of tourists from India over the weekend. The only thing they bought from Støfring was one cup of hot chocolate and some bananas." The Indians, presumably Gujarati, began to use the kitchen to warm up their own food. The one consolation in this story is that they brought their own plates so at least this guy didn't have to wash up after these folks. This Norwegian cafe owner has definitely managed to get some good public relations material out of this so it's probably helped his business, but it's less than ideal that our brethren act so miserly especially when traveling abroad.
My serious question to everyone is Why are Gujaratis so darn cheap?
Btw, I know the story never says that they were Guju. But after conferrring with friends, Gujarati and non-Guju, it was unanimous that this is def a Guju bunch?
At 1:39 PM,
liberal foodie said…
Probably because we're always planning for our kids' colleges, businesses, retirement fund and so and so forth.... Also most Gujus are vegetarians therefore food options are limited.
It's horrible because Gujaratis are known for being cheap but the funny thing is most Gujaratis don't care of the label. ha!
I'm guju and I wouldn't call myself cheap but frugal. When going out or traveling, I'll spend if I know it's worth it. (And what's the fun in bringing homemade food when traveling?)
At 6:50 AM,
pratYk said…
"This Norwegian cafe owner has definitely managed to get some good public relations material out of this so it's probably helped his business"
thats all that matter bro .. that was just an initial investment .. say more of a marketing gimmick by the cafe owner to get more business in future ... i think he was a gujju ;) knows the art of investing :)
At 6:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Anywhere in the World if you assume that you are in the midst of Classy people and if all of a sudden you here a Dhoom Machale Ringtone, or, a loud Scream or loud chit chat amongst a group, you should immideatly assume you are amidst Gujaratis. Man they manage to Play Garba even in 1900s Athena's, or even Hawaiian Shack for that amtter. They are simply Money Spending idots who didn't, dont and will never have a Class. To hell with these Khaman Dhokla's Forever! Puke.....
At 11:10 AM,
cinderalka said…
Oh, this MUST be a Guju group and I'll add that they might also be Jain. Why are they so cheap? Because they love money and find very little self-irony or shame in the act of taking over a cafe and turning it into their own personal dining room.
If you want a laugh, check out my other comments on Desis:
At 1:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
the gujju's are cheap ? really ? how shocking !! its not like i've seen them fight over a one rupee coin (actually witnessed)
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